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API Handlers

Saleor Apps are meant to work in a serverless environment, where Cloud Functions are the foundations of server-side code.

Currently, Saleor heavily relies on Next.js, but other platforms will be supported in the future.

Required handlers​

Saleor requires two endpoints to be available for a standalone app:

  • Manifest endpoint - Returns JSON object with app properties, like its name or permissions. Read more
  • Register endpoint - During installation, Saleor sends a POST request with auth token to this endpoint. Read more

Built-in API handlers​

To hide Saleor's internal logic, app-sdk provides handlers factories. They should work with minimal configuration, leaving App creators space for domain logic.

Manifest handler factory​

Here is an example usage of a manifest handler in Next.js:

// pages/api/manifest.ts

import { createManifestHandler } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next";

export default createManifestHandler({
manifestFactory({ request, appBaseUrl }) {
return {
name: "My Saleor App",
tokenTargetUrl: `${appBaseUrl}/api/register`,
appUrl: appBaseUrl,
permissions: [],
id: "my-saleor-app",
version: "1",

Options provided to handler factory:

type CreateManifestHandlerOptions = {
manifestFactory(context: {
appBaseUrl: string;
request: NextApiRequest;
schemaVersion: number | null;
}): AppManifest;

You can use NextApiRequest to read additional parameters from the request.

Field schemaVersion can be used to enable some feature based on the Saleor version. It will be null if app is being installed in Saleor version below 3.15.0.

See createManifestHandler for more details. See manifest too.

App register handler factory​

Example usage of app register handler in Next.js

// pages/api/register.ts

import { createAppRegisterHandler } from "@saleor/app-sdk/handlers/next";
import { UpstashAPL } from "@saleor/app-sdk/APL";

export default createAppRegisterHandler({
apl: new UpstashAPL({
restURL: "...",
restToken: "...",
allowedSaleorUrls: [""], // optional, see options below
async onRequestVerified(req, { authData, respondWithError }) {
await doSomethingAndBlockInstallation(authData.token).catch((err) => {
// Return this method to break installation flow and show error in the Dashboard
return respondWithError({ message: "Error, installation will fail" });

Options provided to handler factory

export type CreateAppRegisterHandlerOptions = {
apl: APL;
* Provide your Saleor /graphql/ endpoints (or functions),
* to allow app registration only in allowed Saleor instances.
allowedSaleorUrls?: Array<string | ((saleorApiUrl: string) => boolean)>;
* Optional
* Run right after Saleor calls this endpoint
request: Request,
context: {
authToken?: string;
saleorDomain?: string;
saleorApiUrl?: string;
respondWithError: ({ status, message }) => never; // will throw
): Promise<void>;
* Optional
* Run after all security checks
request: Request,
context: {
authData: AuthData;
respondWithError: ({ status, message }) => never; // will throw
): Promise<void>;
* Optional
* Run after APL successfully AuthData, assuming that APL.set will reject a Promise in case of error
request: Request,
context: {
authData: AuthData;
respondWithError: ({ status, message }) => never; // will throw
): Promise<void>;
* Optional
* Run after APL fails to set AuthData
request: Request,
context: {
authData: AuthData;
error: unknown;
respondWithError: ({ status, message }) => never; // will throw
): Promise<void>;
Expand â–¼

See APL for details on what is Auth Persistence Layer in Saleor apps.

Async Webhook Handler​

App SDK provides a utility that helps build (async) webhook handlers so that the app can react to Saleor events.

Read about it here.